When you contact Alyseo as a prospect, we process the following personal data:
Marital status, identity, identification data, images : civil status, first name, last name, address, phone number(s), e-mail addresse(s)
Professional life: profession, field of work, socio-professional category, personal knowledge.
Follow-up of the business relationship : lead status, contact owner, documentation requests, trial requests, correspondence with the prospect, comments from prospects, products that interest them (Smart Building or PyGuard).
Use of an online communication service (social networks) : public user profile data and comments/posts published online
Alyseo processes this personal data to manage and update its prospecting files, but also to carry out operations related to prospecting (solicitation, promotion, survey, retention action, etc.). As a prospect, you can renounce to this treatment, which will avoid you to receive commercial solicitations from us.
Conservation period
These data are kept for 3 years starting from the end of the business relationship, or from the last data collection.
The data is kept in a file accessible by Alyseo personnel in charge of communication and communication and, if necessary, other contributing services.
The data processed by the subcontractor HubSpot Inc in connection with prospect relationships are transferred to the United States and other locations where subsidiaries of HubSpot and their subsequent subcontractors operate.
A prospect of Alyseo can be registered to our Newsletter, in this case the processed data will be sent to the subcontractor MailJet
MailJet's data centers are located in the European Union, specifically in Frankfurt, Germany and St. Ghislain, Belgium, and hosted by Google Cloud Platform.
More information : mailjet.com/privacy-policy/